SOWE’s Ethereum On-ramp

We have been fortunate to receive donations on the Ethereum blockchain. We receive these donations in ETH. Meanwhile our operation in Mpigi depend on transfers through the SWIFT system to Yamba Hearts bank account.

We created this bridge to minimize fees and facilitate an easy and cheap Ethereum On-ramp for our members.

In short, we will sell ETH to our members at market price. If you want to onboard money to Ethereum, follow the steps below.

And keep in mind that transaction costs on Ethereum is higher than on other blockchain. (2-20usd)

With Swish (Swedish citizens)

1. Become a member at
(300 SEK/year)

2. Create an Ethereum account. We recommend the MetaMask app on your phone or MetaMask Chrome extension.

3. Fill in the form below.

4. Wait for us to confirm.

5. Send a Swish transfer to SOWE and write your Ethereum public key in message.
Make sure that the address you send to us is correct or there is a risk you will lose your money.

We also accept payments to our bank account: 6915 161 621 848